Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today's Day

There is a subject that is causing a lot of discussion now adays. Some scientists are sure that we are in the midst of Global warming and other people are sure that the drastic weather changes are cyclical. The Polar ice cap is melting, the polar bears are losing their homes because of the melting ice. Our weather patterns have totally changed. We will have two or three days of weather in the fifties and then have one in the eighties. We are all struggling to adapt to this on again, off again weather,but it is something we have to deal with.

I am quite bewildered about the fact that the polititians have stuck their noses in to the discussion. One party is sure it is just cyclical. They are full of statements like,"My grandpa remembers when it snowed in May one year!" "What about the years of drought when we had no rain for months and months?" Other examples of weather aberations are plentiful but somethings happening today have never been arround before.

Just yesterday a wave of solid ice came crashing into shore in the northeast. It distroyed many houses and did millions of dollars worth of damage to that area. I saw films of it and it looked just like a wall of sea water coming in but it was ice. Many other phenominal events have taken place in recent years that are not cyclical.

Scientists are blaming fossil fuels on the changes in the weather. Plastic ,plastic everything is causing  so much damage. We really need to get serious about recycling. The Indians worked hard at saving the earth and we 're going to have to live a little more like they did to save our world. Ciao

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