Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Week-end amusement!

I just had a banner weekend. I sometimes sit here at home for the weekend and think about the times I so looked forward to the weekend. Now I can pretty much act like its the weekend every day. I don't have to get up each morning and go off to school, and I regret that, and I don't have any one else to tend to or accommodate, and I regret that, too. Poor me! But this past weekend was a winner!

Friday, as I mentioned before , I went with Karen and Paul to Kris and Tim's house along with Scott and Kathy, Abby and Gus, for pizza. They live just across the street from Bellarmine College. After our pizza we all walked over to the campus to enjoy the Halloween activities. They had lighted pumpkins/jack-o-lanterns lining all of the walkways, and roads throughout the whole campus. It was spectacular. I'm not sure who carved the pumpkins, it could have been some of the students, I don't know but they were so creative and original. Some were elaborately carved with spiders, cats, monsters, clowns and many other designs and some had primitively carved faces. Square eyes, square nose and square mouth. They looked like something I might have carved or perhaps Maureen or Rowan but never the less, beautiful. It was overwhelming to see. There must have been at least a thousand of them! We toured around the campus to see the displays and noted the statue of the Knight on His Horse Sculpture, sculpted by Bob Lockhart and finally found ourselves in a huge line that had donuts at the end of it. It had started to rain, just a soft drizzly rain and we re-thought standing in line for the donut at the end of the jack-o-lantern trail and headed back to Kris and Tim's house before the drizzle turned into a down pour.

The organization that had sponsored the event had members sprinkled throughout the crowd handing out treats to the little goblins. When we got back to Kris and Tim's all of us except Paul and Tim scoped out the treats in the pillow cases, and plastic pumpkins and tested a few of them , just to make sure they were safe. Uhhh, while Paul and Tim drove up to the Krispy Kreme for donuts! There were a dozen Halloween decorated donuts and a dozen still warm glazed. I personally felt compelled to test both kinds. Great fun for all of us watching the children in their garbs having such a good time.

On Sunday Linda and Larry and I went to see "Chicago" at the Center for the Arts . All of us had seen the movie some time ago. I loved the movie and so I was glad to see the live performance. It was very good. The dancers were so alive and in perfect sync and enthusiastic throughout the whole performance. The orchestra was on the stage seated on risers that were outlined with tubular, various colored lighting. Very unique. The dancers did their dancing just below the orchestra on the front part of the stage.

It was interesting comparing the two different presentations. In the movie version everything was spelled out for you, so to speak. We knew the reason for the 'murder' that put Roxie in jail and the crimes of the others and the blatant activity of the jail house matron that plied her trade of extortion on each of the prisoners. The shenanigans of the girls trying to convince their shyster lawyers that they were innocent was plain to see through. The music was most definitely jazzy, and the lyrics left no doubts; " He had it comin..." and others like ," They call me Mr Cellophane..." It was marvelous.

Whereas, in the live version it took on all the markings of a good burlesque show. The costumes were rather scanty, sheer black tights and black panties and bras and the dancing and singing told the story or alluded to the facts of the storyline. Most of the cast did an outstanding job, I was not too impressed with the shyster lawyer, I guess I saw Richard Gere "tap dance' around the facts in the movie and still having that in mind I could not give it up for this pretender. Other than that ,I applauded the entire performance.

I think I was meant to be a dancer and singer, I just know I was. My spirits lift and my heart sings and my fingers snap and my feet tap when I hear that jazzy music. I put on little shows, when I was young, and I sang and danced and was the star of the show. Actually, I was the only one in the show but believe me I was dazzling! If you had only seen me then! Wow! I tried not to hide my lights under a bushel or whatever but the only live audience I ever had was my grandmother, aunt and my aunt's boyfriends. They would pay me a dime if I would recite pieces for them and were fully oblivious to the fact that I was a born dancer and singer! I regret that my talent was wasted all these years. I suppose it's too late now! Ciao!


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