Monday, August 9, 2010

Andthe Beat Goes On

I thought I would open the paper today and not be met with Karen S.'s picture or name but alas, she is due in court again today to try to settle a custody issue with her former husband Tim. It seems to me that would be a slam dunk! I guess I'll have to listen to the news tonight to see just how that all worked out. I have nothing but abject pity for her five year old daughter. How sad to have to grow up being singled out as being the child of that woman. I know the four boys must have their share of embarrassment and have memories of turmoil and trouble in their home but they are at least old enough to make decisions and have opinions of the mess she created. I pity all of the children involved in this case. Enough, already!

I am going to switch to another subject. Since I have a lot of free time on my hands I am free to watch day time television. I never had the opportunity before because I worked. I have certainly found out that I didn't miss much.

I do like to turn on the TV as soon as I awaken because I am a news junkie. I want to know what is going on in the world at all times. I don't particularly enjoy the local news because it is mostly murders, swindlers and car wreck stories. Local news is a waste of time, so why do I watch it? As Rowan would say, "I don know either"

I watch the Today show, not because I think they are more accurate , (none of them are totally accurate) but from force of habit. I've become attached to Matt L. Anne C. Al Roker. I personally can barely tolerate Meridith V. I think she could easily be replaced by someone with more intelligence and more pizazz. Any way, after I am fully awake and have a bit of knowledge about what is going on in the world, and a few recipes I'd like to try, I get up.

I do my morning matins and ablutions and then start my day. I read the morning paper from front to back,( a task that is becoming easier and easier since the CJ is so pitifully inept,) while I eat breakfast. I try to do the chores that I have lined up for the day and then check my e-mails, face book, Internet news and tune back in to the last segment of the Today Show, Kathy Lee G.and Hoda K. They are frequently very funny. They have one feature on the show whereby they choose people from the Today Show viewers that stand on the street and scream during the show. They bring them inside for a make over! I think they extend their stay in N.Y.
for the next day so they can appear on the show in their new persona. It is remarkable how they can make these drab, dowdy people into classy, sexy looking beautiful people. There are always members of the family or best friends waiting to see how fabulous they look. A 'mercle' right in front of our eyes. The people are blind folded and stand and wait for the signal,"OK you can look now! The blind folds are snatched off and their awe begins.
They shout "Oh, my God, Oh, my God Oh, my God' The the make-over-ee, is directed to turn and see herself in the long mirror and she shouts ,"Oh, my God, Oh, my God." The on lookers rush to join the make-over-ee and they all shout, in unison, "Oh, my God, Oh my God". I wonder who scripts this part of the show. I wonder if back stage it is dubbed the "Oh, my God" segment of the show.

They are not the only Oh,my Godders on TV. "A mother who lost her children back in 1989 is reconnected to then and they all cry and shout "Oh, my God" for five minutes. Sometimes the show host puts the mics in their faces and asked dumb questions like, "Are you surprised?" "Oh, my God!" A little dog is rescued out of the raging flood waters and the dog owner grabs the half drowned put into his arms and the reporters rush to him and asks, "Did you think he would ever be rescued?" "Oh, my God."

I am certainly not one to rebuke people for mentioning God, but is that praising? I don't hear a Thank God in any of these events. I've seen the acronym OMG on signs, bracelets, charms, tee-shirts etc. It almost seems like blasphemy to me. It is irreverant, or contemptuous. Is it taking the name of the lord thy God in vain? Ciao.

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