Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Historical Day

This is truly a long awaited day in our country. The opening news pictures on the 6:30 P.M. news were of The Last Patrol convoy loaded up with the fighting men that have been in Irak. Richard Engle was the reporter on duty, riding on the back of one of the troop filled truck telling us that ,indeed this was the end of American combat troops in Irak. They were driving along a two lane paved road about 30 miles from the Kuwait border. they had been traveling since about 2:00 A.M. They reviewed back and showed some of the scenes that we have been shown on the six o'clock news since the war started in the year 2001. We saw the troops being driven into the war zone and now see them finally being driven out. I must admit when a picture of David Bloome suddenly appeared riding along on the back of a vihicle reporting on the battles of the soldiers, one of the first news people to be allowed to ride with them, I cried all over again for his family. A three year old daughter and two year old twins and their mother left behind by the evils of war. During these war years we lost over 4000 soldiers, men and women, and had 32,000 wounded. Think of the thousands and thousands of children left with out their mothers and fathers, the mothers and dads whose sons or daughters were killed or wounded, the living 'survivors' of the war that will forever be haunted by their experiences, and will be forced to live their lives out in their traumatized state, some of them in mental hospitals, some homeless and living on the streets because they no longer 'fit' into society or function as they did before going to war. Throughout the whole time G.W.Bush told us 'We shall prevail!" At one point in a staged tableau from a USN ship, we were told."Mission Accomplished".

Now, years later, we are withdrawing combat units but leaving 50,000 men and women behind to help the Irak government. How long will they be there? Do we really believe that the danger the combat troops faced has come to an end? Are the 50,000 men and women left behind out of danger? I'm just saying.. Ciao

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