Friday, August 6, 2010

The Blame Game

I really can't remember the TV show or the comedian from years past that made the statement,"the devil made me do it" but I do remember that it became very popular and always made people laugh when it was used. We have progressed from that point since then. No longer are things blamed on the devil but things are blamed on a multidude of other things, real people, society, the Republicans, the Democrats, your wife/husband, teacher, best friend, mother, father, alchohol, whoever or whatever is handy or thought to be feasible at the time. or capable of being used. So the sordid, x-rated trial came to a close, guess what? It was all Tim Sypher's fault!

Despite the fact that Karen Sypher went into Porcino's restrarant dressed in a provocative outfit and made herself available to Patino, who had two things against him one, he was in his cups and two he is male. She clearly set out to seduce him. She's had a lot of practice so it was a sure shot. She then drove him to his home because he does not drive when under the influence, as do many of his fellow coaches. The date was July 31, 2003. She claimed she did it because of the snow!

K.S. had made the statement many times that she could hardly wait to tell her side of the story, but when her lawyer took over he chose not to let her or any one else testify. Hfe simply made his closing argument and the trial went to the jury. In the closing argument her lawyer claimed that there was enough evidence to say that the whole smutty affair was all Tim Sypher's fault.

Nevertheless, saner heads prevailed and the jury, six men and six women, convicted her of attempting to extort Patino and of lying to the FBI and four other charges. Guilty on all six charges. Some are Federal offences which allows no probation. The sentencing is scheduled for Oct. Her lawyer is not allowed to appeal until after the sentencing because of Federal law.

She was released from the court and walked out onto the street smiling all the way. She will be on the loose until October. Gentlemen, zip your bloomers. Caio

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was Flip Wilson in his persona as "Geraldine" who said, "The devil made me do it!"