Sunday, September 16, 2007

Summer is on the wane

Here it is September already and as of the 21st or thereabout summer will be officially over. I missed it, I think! Seems it was not long ago when I rode through the park on a spring morning and mused about the new leaves, the flowers cropping up, the runners, bikers and golfers out enmass and where did the time go? Yesterday, I once again drove through the park and the leaves were swirling down, no longer fresh and green, the flowers now have faded blossoms,the runners, walkers, and bikers are not as scantily clad, and the air is bordering on crisp. While it is one of my favorite times of the year, it seems to be upon us sooner than I expected. I can't say that I will miss the endless days of temperatures in the nineties but the subtle signs that soon the furnace will be needed and the jackets and sweaters will be out of the closets, lets us know that the halcyon days of summer are coming to an end. But there is always an up side to everything; it will be good to see the ubiquitous "flipflops" will once again be stored away or perhaps, dare I hope,be disposed of! We have the U of L/U of K football game over with.Whew!So, I'm sure Holloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas will be speeding toward us too.

I read or heard the other day a discussion about the fact that all tomb stones in the cemetaries and the caption under the pictures of celebrities that have passed away and so forth all have a date of birth and date of death with a dash in between.( 1952-2002) Did you ever ponder the Dash? The Dash represents your life. All the happiness you've experienced the sadness,the worry, the suffering,the joys, all the homes you may have lived in, the schools you've attended, the friends/enemies you've made, the travels you've traveled, the kindnesses and the cruelties you've inflicted. Say that the Dash would be a grade you should receive. Does your Dash deserve an A+,a D,C,? What? Would it depend on who is doing the grading? If you are grading yourself what grade would you give yourself? I'm going to start, a little late maybe, on an A. OK? I know a lot of you have A's going for you but if not ,get working on your Dash!

Summer is on the Wane