Saturday, March 23, 2013

I Wonder

I consider reading the news paper each day as one of my favorite things to do.  Unfortionately, it is not nearly as inspiring or entertaining as it used to be when our paper was owned by the Bingham family but we have to do with it as is. I hurry through the first few pages of the main news section to get to the Forum or Op-ed part of the paper. I like to view the political cartoons.  I often find them to be very good and even humerous at times but I also find them to be vitriolic and insulting. Then I read the letters to the editor.Some of the letters are worth reading and I often wish that I could converse with the writer. But then others are insulting, poorly written, ignorant and with out merit.

Have you ever noticed how many cartoons, letters to the editor and news articles are about the Catholic Church, or clergy? The new Pope provided a new field of negative writings. Within an hour of the announcement, the cartoons and articles were up and going after him. The news people already knew what his philosophy is and how he will govern the Church. They feel free to put a negative slant on what he says and what he believes. I think we should give him a chance to speak for himself.

I wonder what would happen if we slung as many barbs at some of the other religions as are slung at the Catholic Church and its people. How would it go over. ? What about the Mormons, or the Church of the Latter Day Saints? We can all recall some news person or public figure gettting fired for insulting remarks about the Jews or another person of faith.

People have been fired for saying things about the homosexual community or the African American community but say something about the Catholic Church and its OK to pile on! I wonder..........Ciao