Thursday, September 23, 2010

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (This is the second amendment)

If you look up the word 'militia' in the dictionary you will see that a militia is any army composed of citizens rather than professional soldiers, called up in time of emergency.

Yesterday's paper stated that State Representative Mike Harmon, a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, said that he plans to introduce legislation during next year's General Assembly session to allow Kentuckians to carry concealed weapons without a permit!!!! Phil Moffett a Louisville business man is his running mate. Moffert is running for Governor.

They want to lower the price for gaining a gun permit because some law abiding citizens find the price prohibitive. Harmon wants to find a balance to restoring Second Amendment rights while at the same time not putting people in danger! (Huh?) He said every law abiding citizen " should have the right to carry a gun if they so choose, to protect themselves". They will be required to attend a training course on gun safety and gun laws and apply to the local sheriff's office.

How about the law abiding citizen that has had alcohol or other substances before deciding to "protect" themselves? What about the law abiding citizen that chooses Not to carry a gun, because of the danger to themselves as well as others?

A twenty year old kid had a gun and alcohol and a deadly hunting knife and had the charges dismissed. He had a few other unsavory incidents before he became a 24 year old but was given his freedom to carry a gun

Over the weekend we had a very sad happening here in Louisville. A young man that had a reputation of being a good citizen, helping the young, attending church, having a clean record, no signs of criminal activity in the past, a team player and a young man that was in line for a long productive life, was shot dead on a downtown street.

His funeral was attended by people from near and far, hundreds of people, business men, leaders of communities, past school mates, past team mates, past coaches, all along with his family and friends from surrounding communities, attesting to his good character and to his potential for good in his life. He had a bachelor's degree in justice administration in 2009. He was shot dead on a down town street.

One of the eulogists at or outside his funeral said,"It used to be that someone got in an altercation, someone got a bloody lip," he said. " Now people carry guns,and Smith & Wesson is undefeated."

He was shot dead on a downtown street.

The authorities have been reluctant to name the man who did the shooting. The information is that the authorities have already said, the man will not be charged because it was self defence! As the situation is described both men with friends had visited a downtown bar separately. They had passed each other during the evening but did not interact with each other. The dead man is a former U of L football player and the shooter is a former U of L baseball player. After leaving the bar the men, each with one friend in his car, were supposedly driving home. They happened to stop at the same traffic light and one of the men in one of the cars shouted a remark to the other car. It is alleged that it was a racial epithet that was shouted. The light changed and one car followed the other. Once again they were stopped at a light and one of them jumped out of their car and accosted the men in the car that did the shouting. These men were in a closed, locked car with a lowered window. The accoster reached in through the window and battered the two men aboard. Where upon the driver pulled out a gun and shot, not only the attacker but shot his car mate in the hand. The man that had been shot, died about a half hour later. Self defence??

He was shot on a downtown street.

The Kentucky Legislator passed a law saying that the same rules that apply to a person's home apply to his car. The Castle Law. Your car can now be considered your castle and you have the right to protect it!

The information gathered on the 'shooter' thus far is that when he was 20 he was charged with carrying a concealed deadly weapon and possession of alcohol by a minor after he was stopped for driving on an expired plate and police found a hunting knife under his seat and a bottle of gin. The charges were dismissed. That was in 2004. Last year he was charged with alcohol intoxication after he was found walking away from a car that had run into a tree. The citation said he was "manifestly under the influence of alcohol and a danger to self." He was assigned to 10 hours of volunteer work, and the charge was dismissed.

In January, he was charged with disorderly conduct and alcohol intoxication after police stopped a car driven by a friend of his who was charged with DUI.The police heard that there was a gun in the car and they asked the two men to step out of the car. The alleged shooter of the football player became "verbally abusive and belligerent." He reportedly told the officers they "couldn't do anything to him because his father is an attorney," This information is in the police report. :His friend that was driving paid a $709 fine and court costs. Obviously, his dad is not an attorney.

If licences to carry are going to be granted to anyone that can scrape up the fee and take lessons then we must all be advised to drive around in our Castle" on wheels with our windows closed and our doors locked and the ability to quickly "duck"

I do wonder when sanity will be restored to this country.
When are we going to learn the lessons of the past. I listened to a Chicago Policeman state one day that he had taken more guns out of the hands of dead people, that were trying to protect themselves, than out of the hands of criminals. Caio!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Peggy and I

Have any of you seen the commercial that has a caller trying to access a service representative and he reaches a very disheveled man in a totally trashed looking office who claims to be, "Peggy". He is a little thrown off when the obviously male voice identifies himself as ,"Peggy" "Peggy"?he responds and the voice says "Yes". He says he would like to talk about his account, Peggy says, "Yes?" He asks one question and Peggy says, "Yes" When he asks if this means she/he knows about his account, Peggy says, "Yes." He tries to continue on but Peggy chooses to just hang up. He did not ask if Peggy was in India, but I'm sure she/he was!

Well, in the last two days I have encountered a Peggy or two and have become so frustrated, stressed out , angry,and defeated that I am exhausted.

I am having some problems with my e-mail. I changed companies so my address changed. Seems like a simple thing to me to make this change. I e-mailed all of the friends on my list and they handled it perfectly. They continued e-mailing me but used my new address. It's not like I changed the whole address I just changed the supplier. However, the companies that I depend on for services of one kind or another can't seem to adjust to the change.

I thought it would be a simple thing to call and bring them up to speed on my change. I failed to take into account that human beings are no longer in vogue. We are in the automated era. I was given choices of numbers to press to get the help I was seeking. None of the choices were even slightly related to the information that I wished to impart to them. I've been advised to sit quietly and wait and eventually someone will answer. Not so! A recording answers and tells me that I have not responded in the amount of time given and I will have to hang up and try again or press some number to return to the main menu.

This is when my invective language begins. I do try again but the outcome is the same. I dial the phone number that they suggest that you call and guess what? Automation rears its ugly head again. WELCOME! (We are so glad that you are stupid enough to call us again)Please press...
My head is beginning to hurt at this point but never say never, Right? I persist and try every trick in the books and try to reach someone . I would even settle for Peggy!

The 'machine' no longer asks me to press numbers they pull out the big guns now and say,"Are you calling from your home phone?" "Say ,"Yes" if you are and "No" if you are not. (Me) "Yes", She ,"I'm sorry, it sounded like you said, "Lass." I will try again, "Are you calling from your home phone?" I shout, "YES!" "Is this a private home or a business? Answer, Private if it is private and business if it is business." Is this a private home or is this a business?" " I say, Private!" " I'm sorry,.. I don't wait this time, I don't shout, I scream, "PRIVATE! PRIVATE ! P-R-I-V-A-T-E" Now not only my head hurts but my throat ,too. I hang up, take an Advil and go lie down.

Today, I have another go at it. I have two companies that I have issues with. We again start off on the same foot as I started on yesterday. Please key in your identification number. Where will I find it? Let's see is it my social, my birthday and date, my customer #, or my ten digit phone number, or some obscure number that is filled with zero's? I struggle through and for a change I encounter a human. I knew he was human because, I'm taking no chances, I asked, "Are you a human being?" He admitted to being one so we went on from there. When he asked for my current e-mail address I proceeded to give it to him. I kid you not he said I didn't get that last part could you repeat it, please? I said, It is; a-t-t-dot n-e-t- He was very polite, but again said, "I'm sorry, but I still can't get it." I was also very polite, no shouting or screaming today, I said, "You know, BIG company" He laughed aloud, and said, "Duh!" I laughed also and said, "Now, do you get it?" He said, "Yeah, I have it now!" We ironed out our difficulties and all was well. What a difference a human makes!

I still had one more to go. It was pretty hairy but I had no need to shout, I just needed all the patience I could muster up. I was finished for the day finally and decided to take my wounded spirit outside with my book and a glass of wine and sit on the deck and becalm myself. The weather is perfect, sunny, cool a slight breeze, and the birds were enjoying the feeder food and swooping around over head. I pulled a chair up close to the one I was sitting in so I could prop my feet up. (that's always therapeutic) and I sat back and started reading my book. Ah, peace at last. I looked up just in time to see a kamikaze fly swoop down into my glass of wine!!!

Is there no rest for the for the ...Ciao

Friday, September 3, 2010

David and Golieth? Which one is David?

During the Civil War there was major consternation in our country about which side to be on. Some were clearly for the North and some were just as passionate about the cause of the South. There is not anything unusual about that, but it did cause great rifts in families that were divided. Brother against brother.

We have a modern day situation like that each September and December in Kentucky. History does repeat itself except this time it is not played out on the battlefield (thank, God) but it is played out on the football field!

The members of the family are very firm about their allegiance to one team or another. Their support is a steadfast devotion of an unquestioning kind of loyalty. Even though in recent years it has taken great fortitude to support the miserable showing of their beloved teams at one time or another.

One of the teams, on the football field , for a number of years had a very difficult time winning games, however: they found new ways each week to lose games but, not to worry, their stadiums were still filled with loyal fans each week. A phenomenal statement of loyalty. Win or lose, the fans are with you. The team climbed up out of the hole and began to win games for their fans to show them that all was not lost. They are up and running again with a joker in the pack.

The other team had the blush of success and awards for their efforts and basked in their glory when alas, it all came tumbling down. What a difference a coach makes! The dedicated, adoring fans went to games still, but the gnashing of teeth and tears of frustration were evident each and every game. Out of the South came a' strong 'contender with the offer of hope to the fans. Could it be?

Tomorrow the die is cast and we shall see who survives. Will it be University of Kentucky who half of my family are awaiting the chance to gloat over, or will it be the University of Louisville which the other half of my family are hoping for a new beginning. Stay tuned!Caio.

I am cheering for my family!