Friday, January 11, 2013

Loopy New Year

We are well into 2013. We have already had some snow on the ground, ice on the overpasses ,salt all over the city, sunshine, buckets of rain, clouds overhead and even some lightning and it is only the 10th! day of January.It was 30 degrees one day last week and it is 69 today and heading for the eighties.Oh,well .

We are celebrating the birth of Carrie's baby.(Gabe's too)The baby weighed seven lbs.five ozs.and as usual with new babies, he is beautiful. He was born on January 5, at home in Seattle,Washington.His name is Benicio Aloysius Avila -Mooney.  Better known as Beni.I am anxious to meet him. He is the twenty -sixth great grand child.  !                                                                                                     
How sweet it is!

 Happy New year to all of you!!      Ciao

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

That's a lit of Bull

On many a Christmas Eve little children go to sleep to dream of Santa bringing a pony when he comes down the chimmney. They are not always encouraged by their parents to wish for a pony but Christmas surprises or Christmas miracles have happened before! Dispite the fact that the parents say they have no where to keep a pony or even know what to feed them, these seem to be minor objections to the young one. Hope rests eternal in the mind of the young, of course there is a place for a pony to sleep and they have plenty of food around the house. It would be the greatest of Christmas's to wake up and find a pony under the tree! Eventually the child grows up and does come to the realization that a pony is not the best choice and they think up other things that are more in line with what the parent wants.

Now, I'm pretty sure that the couple I am going to tell you about were not wishing for a pony or any other animal on Christmas  Eve but when they opened the door to their deck on Christmas morning What to their wondering eyes did appear but a full grown bull! He was in a fighting mood and had already chased the two ladies next door.

Not far behind was the new owner of  the bull. He had just purchased it on Christmas Eve and it had pulled a big escape over night. He was there to try to get it back on his property but the bull was in no mood to be fussed with.They had to give up that night and for a few more days. They finally put a ramp up to a trailor and placed grain and hay in the trailor and trapped him.

The owner decided all those steaks and ground beef  were not worth the effort and said he was taking the bull right back where it belonged.

Poor bull blew it. He could have stayed with the owner and endeared himself to him and perhaps escaped the grim reaper but as things stand now he's on his way to the grill. No bull!!Ciao