Saturday, December 19, 2009


One would think that 67 years of marriage, six children, fourteen grandchildren, twenty-five great-gtandchildren would equip one with the skills to bake cookies! One would think that but it may not be the case. Perhaps there is such a thing as too much experience. a few weeks ago I had some Spice Cookies extrodinair that Rachel had baked. ( a relatively new cookie maker). I ask for the recipe and went to the store to buy the ingredients and commenced to begin baking. I made the mistake of following the recipe exactly. Something that I have strayed away from throughout the years. I use the recipe as a guide to the ingredients and the ratios involved in baking or cooking anything.

As anyone that cooks often, knows, you have to make judgements about how much or how little of certain items need to be added to suit your taste or the taste of the group you are cooking for. I make judgements on how the food looks. If you are baking a cake you learn to look into the oven and see if the cake looks done. Same with most things you cook. Pasta is done when it reaches a certain color, it may be finished before the amount of time that the directions on the box suggested or it may take longer. You have to use your own experiences.

With the cookies that I made, as I said, I stuck to the recipe, I first of all, sifted the dry ingredients three times, as directed. I used actual measuring spoons to measure out the spices, something that I don't always do, you'd be surprized at how accurately you can measure a tsp. of salt in the cupped palm of your hand. Beating the egg before it is mixed in with the other ingredients, there are times when that does not matter. Other times when it does matter. Learn the difference by experience.

I actually pre-heated the oven, I am frequently lax when it comes to that step. If I forget to pre-heat I make allowances for that when I set the timer. Your nose often tells you when it is time to check on the items you're cooking. Approximate the time as a rule. You can set the timer for the required amount of time that the recipe calls for but it is not always 100% accurate. How does it look, how does it 's aroma strike you? Does it look done? Does it smell done? you be the judge.

On my spice cookies, as I said, I followed the recipe to a tee! But alas, poor cookies! They looked like 'cow patties'. Not anything at all like Rachel's. I did eat a few of them and they did taste Ok but they did not satisfy my cookie yearning. The memories of my Grandmother's Ginger Snaps did not dance in my head, as they had with Rachel's. They were an embarrassment. I had to dispose of the rest of the dough after doctoring it up a bit, trying to come up with the right combination for success. No,it was a failed mission. When my wounded pride recovers, I will try again. The next time I'll do it my way! Ciao

1 comment:

Dolberry! said...

I'd blame it on Rachel.