Friday, May 7, 2010

Seems there are so many things to write about that it is hard to pick a favorite subject. I wrote a number of months ago about the Rock that Ohio and Kentucky were each laying claim to. The dispute heated up to the point that Kentucky sued Ohio to get possession of the disputed Rock. Well, it finally happened! Portsmouth, Ohio, the culprit that has had the Rock hidden away in some garage on their side of the Ohio River, has had to go down in defeat. They have been ordered to transport the Rock back to the Kentucky side of the river, to its rightful home. Court ordered! Major problem is, that while they are compliant with the ruling they have had to admit that they do not have a hoist strong enough to lift the Rock onto the truck to transport it to its Old Kentucky home and then unload it when they get it there. (Is that a run on sentence?) Well, anyway,case not closed quite yet. Question, why don't they use the hoist that they used when they pulled it from the river in the first place? What a conundrum!

We got the derby under our belts and are now preparing for the next big event i.e. The Fitzgerald Family Fun Festival. It takes place on June 19, 2010 at Andrea and Travis's house. Y'all come. Since the family has grown from two (Doc and I) to 60 members, we are talking big time event. I have taken on the task of writing a second edition of the family cookbook. Gregg has helped me to get it all together and Shannon has taken on duties of helping where ever I need help. If it does come together by June 19th it is going to be a thing to behold. I have recipes from almost every family member already and expect more in the coming days. It is so much fun to see all of the different foods and I want to try every one of them. As a matter of fact, I have tried a few of them and plan to eventually try them all. What a collection of gourmet recipes. We hope to serve some of them at the Reunion on the 19th.

We have had some devastating storms around the country, Nashville being the nearest. Billions of dollars in damages. Then the dreadful oil well explosion off the coast of Louisiana that has not yet been reigned in. The oil spewing from that well has the potential of being felt by people all around the world. A terrorist parking an SUV in Time's Square that was loaded with what he hoped to be a deadly bomb reminds us all that we are still vulnerable and should be ever vigilant. We should be thankful for every day that we live through. So far the suspects of terrorism lately, have been totally incompetant.

See, I haven't even mentioned the political turmoil that is on going in our country. People complaining about big government when a lot of our distress is because of too little government. The lack of regulations on Wall Street participants, and big banks, the disregard of the gov't regulations set for mine owners that if they had been held to abide by the regulations set for them, lives could have been saved. The high cost of health care and health insurance in the country because of a lack of government regulations. I could go on and on. We need more government not less. We are the people of this country and our taxes are paid so that the gov't can see that we can be insured of Domestic Tranquility, provide for a common Defence,promote the general Welfare,and secure the blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity. The Government is supposed to be for the people, by the people. How can people persue happiness when they fear that their home will be foreclosed, their job will be shipped out of the country, their life may be in unnecessary danger because of lack of control by the government to enforce rules and regulations made to provide for their safety. We need to get more for our buck. We need to reign in the out of control Wall St. gamblers, banks and anyone else that is jeopardizing our general Welfare! Ciao.

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