Wednesday, October 13, 2010


          When I was about eleven years old, I got into a little dust up with my brother, Paul. We were the best of friends but there were times when we disagreed. On one of the many occasions, I was extremely outraged at something that he did and I was chasing him.  He got so far ahead that I knew  that I was not going to be able to catch him so I picked up a large stone to hurl at him. (If he was aware of my actions he would not have feared because I was a notoriously poor hurler.) I threw the rock with all my might and lo and behold, no one had ever informed me that I could throw a 'curve' stone! The stone made a right turn and went through my parents bedroom window. Paul was the definite winner of that fracas.
           That was just one of the stone throwing happenings of my youth. It was the missile of choice for most kids.  We threw stones into cisterns to hear the echo,  threw stones at any target we could find, I do believe I was even hit by a stone or two.  Who among us has not skipped rocks at any body of  water that we came to. 
       In History,s accounts of events you will find many occasions of stone throwing. In the Bible you can read about St. Stephen the first martyr of the church  who was killed by being stoned to death.  In all of the wars waged in the Mid Eastern Countries you saw films of citizens, including children ,throwing stones at the enemies. One time when I was doing one of the readings at church, the passage was about Jesus suffering buffets by his enemies.  I accidently read, "bullits" instead of buffets, I quickly corrected myself and re-read the word " buffets" and went on with the reading.  When I returned to the sacristy after Mass, Father John was laughing and quite amused by my error.  He said, "Bullits hadn't even been invented yet! You should have said stoned!" Weapon of choice!
      I've wittnessed many tiny tots pick up stones along the way and hurl them just for the fun of it. Why do we do this? I don't know! It seems to be a human trait. One of my children got into big trouble for throwing a snowball and hitting the car of the pastor of our church. No damage was reported but the pastor was quite upset by the episode and my child was required to write an apology for doing the deed. Doing what comes naturally! I was amused, not by the deed but by the letter of apology: "Please excuse me for disturbing the peace."  'nuff said.
       Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me. Old adage that is completely erroneous.
     A few nights ago a group of fifteen year boys  were celebrating the fact that they were having a sleep over at one of the boy's houses. A final instruct\ion from one of the mom's saying , 'Be good and don't get in any trouble." Her son said. "Ok, Mom. I love you." She responded, "I love you too."  Her last words to her son.
       A few hours later the boys were, for whatever reason, throwing stones at each other, laughing and having fun. One of the stones hit the car of a man who has felt harrassment by the youth in the area, he came outside with his gun and started firing. The boys were trying to flee the scene and one of the boys was hit in the back with a bullet and died! Did he deserve to be shot? Did I deserve to be shot when I fired a stone at my brother for some minor transgression? I am appalled and I grieve the death of this youth. Did he do bodily harm to anyone?  Did the car receive irreparable damage? Was the boy that was shot absolutely, without a doubt, guilty of throwing the rock that hit the car? Were the police involved? Was the elder citizen 's life in danger? Was the citizen responsible enough to own a gun?  You tell me! Ciao

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