Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Twenty-four Hour News, a Great Misnomer!

I rue the day when twenty-four hour news stations made their entry onto the air waves! Whatever made the founders think that there is enough 'new' news to keep reporting for twenty-four hours? I have to confess that I am a 'news junkie'and I am compelled to turn on the TV to hear the latest news as soon as I awaken in the morning. It is only with great restraint that I turn the TV off at night without checking the latest news.Consequently I keep seeing the same news reels over, and over and over. If I switch channels, the news readers are different but for the most part even the scripts are the same, along with the film clips.

Years ago breaking news alerts were truly 'breaking news' but now they cut into the ongoing shows to say the same thing they said the last hour when they broke in. Breaking News used to be a report on a major event that was happening. Sometimes a catastrophy, or the death of a prominent world leader, or an attack of some type that everyone could be affected by, but not anymore.

Linsey Lohan getting arrested again, Mel Gipson beating up on his current girl friend, or worse yet, watching Charlie Sheen have his total mental breakdown, Karen Sypher filing again for a delay of her prison term, these are considered 'breaking news'. Radio and TV stations go out and look for items to put on the 'news' in an effort to draw an audience.

The media can be blamed for a fair share of dissention and misunderstandings in our concept of the world today. They revel in having something to stir up controversy. Invasion of privacy is a thing that is rampant today and no one seems to complain about it. They chose to broadcast any and all transgressions in detail even if it does not have any relevance to the general public.

Why did we have to see the picture of the teacher that was caught in a car with a 17 year old student? Why did we have to know that she and the student were partially clothed? Why was it important to know that there was evidence of alchohol and protection items outside the car. The 'grocery store' disgusting news papers that print sensational, half truths for the voyeuristic readers seeking the unsavory details of some one else's life, are made happy by this type of journalism but not the general public.

I am already sorry for Kate Middelton and can predict what she has in store for her. She looked thinner to one of the news vultures and they felt free to splash the news across the front pages of the London papers that she seemed to be losing weight and then mentioned Princess Diana and her struggle with bulimia. They are so viscious. Tom Cruse's daughter's picture made the news paper because she is soon going to be five years old and still had a 'passie' in her mouth. They even did a segment on the Today Show debating the proper age to get rid of the potentially damaging passie. I blame all of these absurdities on the 24-hour news shows being desperate for subject matter to help fill the hours. The rest of the news shows feel they have to keep up or they will lose watchers. They have a hard time keeping from rejoicing when a genuine news story breaks. I did notice that since the Quake and Tsunami in Japan we are no longer seeing Charlie, Linsey, and other devients, with the same news clips, on the nightly news.

How sad that it takes so much pain and destruction to keep the 'news' hounds from invasion of privacy for other unimportant events.

THIS JUST IN!! The Prince took Kate to lunch today and he wore SNEAKERS!The resturant was an upscale resturant and the news reporter said, "No one but the Prince could get away with this!" "You go Dude, I'm proud of you!Ta-Ta." Ciao and Slainte!

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