Sunday, January 14, 2007

OK it works now.

I was unable to post anything on my blog because it said my cookies were not connected or something but now it is working. Gregg came over today and he did something or other to it and I am suddenly able to post. Now, I've forgotten all of the things I was going to post. Pat, someday I will do a music review that will be quite long. I've been through all of the music genres from Glenn Miller down through the ages. (Swing, R&B, Rock and Roll, Protest, Country, etc.) Having had teenagers in the home for 25 full years, I've pretty much run the gamut. As soon as I get time to really devote a chunk of time to it I will get busy.


Papa Sparky said...

Way to go! Glad you're up and running. I'm not typically one to comment but I'll be checking in on this when I can. I'm on-line while half watching the Golden Globes right now. Hope your day is great!

Dolberry! said...

Super glad you're up & blogging.

Dueling music reviews ... very cool.

(obligatory Dolberry rant)

Please know that despite you being my Gma ... I will run your blog into the ground the same as I have my other competitor which I now refer to as RC Cola.