I didn't do a blog yesterday because when I got home from school I had no power. Even the phones did not work. JoAnne A. came over when she saw my car and said she had already done the calling to report it. LG& E had crews of men in the area trimming the trees out in back and they accidentally felled one of the limbs across the wires. There was a minor explosion, JoAnn said and it seems a fuse burned out in the transformer behind JoAnn's house. The tree cutters called LG&E and reported it so they came out pretty quickly to repair it and get the power restored. The house got cold in a hurry with the power out.
Today Klondike had a "sweetheart luncheon" for all of the residents and their spouses. They had a rose and a small heart shaped box of Russell Stover Candy for the guest spouse.. By the time I got there Doc had already eaten the candy. He didn't exactly act the part of a sweetheart. He refused to eat the lunch except for the cupcake and a glass of coke along with the small box of candy and he would not go to the activity room where the party took place. I guess he considered the "sweet" part meant he should eat all the sweets he could get his hands on. Linda had brought him a couple of Hersey bars last time she came and he vowed not to eat them because his blood sugar has been so high. I check each day to see if they are still in his drawer and have been proud of his restraint but they were gone today so I guess we can add those to the sugar binge he indulged in. He has been getting an insulin shot every day for about two weeks and today's intake of sugar will probably send his sugar count off the chart. Woe is he!
341 days left till we get a new president.
Quote for today:
" More Muslims have died at the hands of killers than--I say more Muslims--a lot of Muslims have died__I don't know the exact count_at Istanbul. Look at these places around the world where there's been tremendous death and destruction because killers kill."
_President Bush, making the complex issues sound so simple.
January 29,2004
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