Monday, April 21, 2008

Come Hell or High Water

When I was in the sixth grade at St. Joseph's School, in Springtfield, Ohio Our class room was on the second floor of the school and one day we all suddenly felt the room, desks etc. moving. The nun teaching us at the time made us rapidly get under our desks with our hands locked over our bowed heads until the tremmors ceased. I never got to see where the nun went. Did she get under her own desk or did she remain upright to make sure we all followed her orders? I'll never know. I do know that it was a pretty significant earthquake because there were reports of windows, dishes, and all kinds of things crashing to the floor and some minor damage to some structures, but nothing big.

Last week as I lay in my bed coasting as I like to call that period between deep sleep and wide awake period in the morning when I heard Fergus give a few squeeky barks (he had a sore throat) and them major rummblings. I thought my oak tree was falling in on the house, then I thought it was a Mack truck and finally as it gained intencity I realized it was an earthquake. My Galileo thermometer started rocking back and forth and the temperature bubbles starting banging against the glass sides, my whole bed shook and it was an interesting happening. I quickly turned on the TV, (the remote is in bed with me) and they were visibly shaking and calling attention to the lights shaking back and forth on the set. They were puzzled for the first few seconds but rapidly verified that it was an earthquake.

Quite a few people at school said their cats or dogs responded first, two said their caged birds went wild in their little cages, I called Brian at the track and he was in the field with a horse and there were a few other walkers with their horses and they all (the horses) called to each other and were a little nervous. Negligible damage was done here in Louisville and I don't think there was much damage done at the epi center of the quake. It was near the San Andreas Fault I think. IN MO.

Quote for the day: "This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating."
_ President Bush April 23, 2002

1 comment:

Papa Sparky said...

Maureen woke up crying uncontrollably about fifteen to twenty minutes prior to the quake.