Monday, November 9, 2009

Ha! The Owl Responds!

Okay, Dolberry, you're going down! I write ...therefore I blog! I had already sewn the seeds for my intended blog for today but I must digress when challenged by one so competitive as you. You may as well go ahead and concede the shamrock competition and get that out of the way and then get ready to eat humble pie. I hear it is not too tasty, I've never experienced it myself.

I will see how well I can perform under pressure, but meanwhile I will be concentrating on how to act when I end up being the winner. I like a gracious winner. I think being a good loser is over rated I think it is more difficult to be a good winner!

I will put forth the effort to study up on good winners. I'll try to perfect a few phrases that will be appropriate:" Nice try!" " You were pretty tough to beat!" " You are really coming along!" "Writers block is terrible, isn't it?" (I'm sure I can come up with others.)

OK, the gauntlet is down. Dolberry ,start your computer! Ciao

1 comment:

Dolberry! said...

There were a couple of terms I didn't follow there:


Dolberry is not familiar w/ either of those words.