Starting last Saturday or Sunday all of the local weather prognosticators in the Louisville area spoke with bated breath about the BIG snow storm that was going to hit us on Friday, Jan.29. They predicted as much as 4 feet, they warned all of us to prepare to meet our Snow destiny of the new decade! One and all plan to be snowed -in for the weekend! On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday;,Thursday more of the same. Winter Snow Warning! On Friday when not a flake had fallen they said it would be here by late afternoon or evening. Tune in tomorrow, (they invited) at 6 AM. "We will have full reports of the conditions of the streets and the snow fall in the surrounding areas." WHAS,WAVE,WLKY all assured us they would not abandon us to simply looking out the window to see if it did, in fact , snow. No, not to worry, we will be here for you!
At about 10 PM I looked out the window and saw nothing that looked like snow. At midnight, before going to sleep, I once again looked out and Gloriosky, there was a light covering of snow on the grass and on the streets where the brine trucks had left there tell-tale stripes of brine. It made for an interesting scene. Striped, snow strips on the streets. (How's that for alliteration?) I went on to bed and to sleep, knowing that the weather men were at their stations , watching out for me.
Immediately, upon waking this morning, I staggered out of my bed to the bathroom and then to my window to see what progress had been made in the night. Yessiree,Bob! There it was, snow!
I turned on my TV and saw every, well, not every but most of the personnel at the three local stations out with their mini-cams reporting on the roads, overpasses, gas stations in the counties, where truckers were staring at them in awesome wonder, and now an added feature of people like Kevin Harned and his ilk, in cars driving around the city filming the people trying to get to work or whatever. They had the city, county and some of Southern Indiana covered. John Belski was at home but on the phone with his updated predictions and comments on the situation at hand. True dedication! It's 6:35 AM for Pete's sake!
Word on the streets was that we had 4 inches in some places, 5 or 6 in the out lying counties and down to out South, nothing to our north. (Up the road in Ind.) and the radars are telling us that the big snow of the decade is about over. I started writing at 11 AM and back to not a flake of snow en route to our surrounding area. Oh, well.
The guys were only off by one word so no need to suggest that all the overtime the television stations personnel were paid was a waste. Its hardly likely that they all mis-read the screens and whatever else they look at. I'd prefer to blame it on the equipment that they were using or maybe , just maybe Mother Nature got into the act.
Just think how ridiculous it was for three or four TV stations to spend so much time and money on such a non-event! They've had a bad week, kids went off to school Monday on ice laden streets because Mom Nature threw an ice storm in without notice, is there a message here?
Who knew that what they interpreted as Feet turned to be Inches! Give 'em a break! Four inches not four feet! We all know that weather forecasting is not an exact art.
Anyway, I posted pictures of the last snow we had because I have not yet taken any of today's snow. I love snow and am glad for the little bit we got. I may go outside in awhile and shovel off the back porch. Ciao