Saturday, March 27, 2010

Today, I went back and read some of my blogs from the past and I discovered that I do an awful lot of pontificating. I do not intend to sound pompous or dogmatic, I'm just giving my opinions of how I see things. It's sort of like,' Here I come, ready or not.' I doubt that I influence anyone to think as I do, nor do I intend to. I am just satisfying my need to write down my ruminations.

I am an octogenarian and have seen so many changes in how life is lived that it is sometimes worth my time to evaluate some of the major cultural changes that have taken place over the years. Some of the changes came about because of wars, some because of necessity, some be
cause of diversity, some because of technology. I could go on and on but still not be able to list them all in one sitting. It would be hard to focus on just one, at least for me.

Of course the obvious changes that came about because of modern day appliances is note worthy for me because I lived in a time when we had no refrigerators, radios, television, hair driers, clothes driers and a multitude of other appliances that we take for granted. Electric pencil sharpeners! Imagine the wonder of that! One Christmas, when I was asked what I would like for Christmas, I asked for an electric pencil sharpener. My suggestion amused the person asking me and I had to convince her that I was not being facetious. ( I still have it and I still value it!)

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