Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snow at last, snow at last...

I've been waiting forever for snow just like this. It is great. We got a day off from school and could sit and watch the flakes flutter down. I called and asked the receptionist at Klon.M. if the entrance hill was cleared and they assured me it was so I ventured down to visit Doc. It seems they THOUGHT it was cleared but in fact it was not. as I was going up another car was coming down and it was a little scary for a minute but I made it. About 15 minutes after I came , the snow plow came and plowed.

Yesterday when we had the really serious snow it was much worse out. We had about 12 inches and I didn't think I had better risk it, so I stayed home! It was a bonus day. I got to sit and read,and read and read. My idea of peace and relaxation. I didn't have to go anywhere or do any thing. The snow was beautiful. The deck railings were a good measuring devise for me, I kept seeing the snow build up on them inch by inch. I had filled the bird feeder and could sit at the kitchen table and watch the birds eat and bicker over the perches. The Cardinals were exceptionally beautiful with their bright red feathers contrasting with the snow white snow. I had wrens, chick-e-dees, tit mouses, finches, and a variety of others. I have to keep the feeder filled because with snow this deep they can't find much food on their own.

It took Fergus awhile to brave the snow. At first he was reluctant to go off the deck. I shoveled a little path for him but he just wanted back in. Finally, he had to go off the deck but he didn't go far. He actually walked out in it today and seemed to enjoy it. He came into the house feeling very peppy. He ran and got his toy and threw it around for awhile.

I do actually love to shovel snow, but you know what? I went out and tried to clean the drive way off but I could not do it. The snow was as heavy as cement. I cleared a small path out as far as the car and puffed and panted back into the house and decided to go with the philosophy that God put it there so he can take it away. But God knew I couldn't wait for days to drive out the driveway so he sent Michele and Jeff past the house and they said," Woah, we need to do Grandma's driveway for her. " I looked out to see what Fergus was barking at and there were the two of them shoveling away. Thank God for grandkids! I am so thankful for them.

Tomorrow, we'll be back in school. My Literature class are reading an exerpt from Maya Angelou's book, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings". It will be a good selection to discuss.

There are 317 days left until we have a new president.

Quote for the day:"For a century and a half now , America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times."
President Bush ,forgetting that whole World War 2 thing. Feburary 18, 2002

1 comment:

Dolberry! said...

Sounds like a well-deserved Saturday break!

Love you G-ma.
