Sunday, June 29, 2008

Rowan Patrick

Our 23rd. great grand child was born last Wednesday, June25, 2008 he weighed in at 7lbs.7 ozs and is 19 inches long. ( I typed this same thing the day he was born but it dissapeared into cyber-space.) I went up to the hospital to visit him and his parents. He is a beautiful baby. He was only about 5 hours old but he appeared to be very calm and happy to be here!

I could not tell who he lookes like or resembles. He has very light hair and white eye lashes and eye brows, so maybe he will live up to his name. Rowan, it says means red-headed Irishman.

They came home from the hospital yesterday and he and his big sister, Maureen had a chance to get to know each other. I think they are going to have to synchronize sleep times to make for a more pleasant existance for moma and daddy.

I think they are going to be an outstanding family and I can hardly wait to interact with them. Maureen will have a lot to teach Rowan and he will also teach her what having a baby brother is all about. Won't it be fun? Lots of love to all of them from Great-grandma.

1 comment:

Papa Sparky said...

Thanks Betty - we are enjoying this little blondy. We're a tad rusty at this new-born business, but we are quickly playing catchup.