Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Whine time

Gasoline is now over $4.00 per gallon. I filled up my tank and it cost $60.00 How did everything get so far out of control? All of the important items that all families need are becoming so costly because of the gas prices, milk, meat ,vegetables, cereals, fruits , medications and many, many more items are all much more expensive than usual.

We can no longer trust that our foods are safe to eat. Fresh spinach causing e-coli illnesses and even death, fresh tomatoes causing salmenella ( I don't know how to spell that word) and certain medications causing heart problems...what next?

Air travel has become an embarrassment. Prices have more than doubled and service has deteriorated to the point that more and more people are not flying because of delays, cancelled flights, lost luggage, fees charged for each bag, and finally the ultimate insult...no nuts!

I have a $150. voucher to fly anywhere in the U S that Delta sent me to try to soothe my ruffled feathers over a snafu that caused me to spend a night in Atlanta on my way to Sarasota. I figure I could probably fly to Cincinnati one way on that meager amount.

On top of all this, my car radio quit working, my television in my bedroom only works part of the time and seems to be getting worse, and if that isn't enough, the squirrells keep digging up the plants in my planter on the front porch!~

On the other hand I'm trying to get my 'stuff' organized, and I'm making progress. My car trunk is now empty of all school supplies and books, some of which have been there since May 2007. The weather has been spectacular and I got to go to Cincinnati to a Reds game...life is sweet!

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