Monday, May 4, 2009

Confusion sets in

First of all I thought it was the fifth today instead of the fourth, so I dated and wrote a blog commenting on Tim's blog. It was quite lengthy and I posted it. I wanted to write another two blogs so I numbered that blog #1 and then I proceeded on to blog # 2. I was right in the middle of that blog when the phone rang and I had to leave the computer . When I came back later there was a red stripe across the screen and a sign saying "error" but the uncompleted blog was just as I had left it, so I continued with it. I had no idea where or when the error had occurred. When I finished #2 and posted it, I found out that #1 had somehow or other been deleted. I know it posted because I checked to see before I started #2. Then later in the day I discovered it was actually not the fifth of May (Cinco de Mayo) but the fourth of May. It's not easy being me!

I will try to remember what I had to say to Tim in my deleted blog and try again. Tim discussed the fact that the bloggers seemed to be blogging less and less. He thinks Face book and Twitter is taking over. I think that the Face book and Twitter group is made up mostly of people with Blackberries or their equivalents. These people have access to their communicators all the time because they are portable. Whereas, the people that depend on a computer at a desk or a lap top that is not quite as easy to carry around as the Blackberries or their equivalents, are not able to keep up with the BB's. I, for example, check my computer just a few times a day. I do respond to some of the "bookers" but by the time I get on they have moved on to something else and what I have to say is no longer relevant. As Tim did, I also got on Twitter and found it to be quite weird and eerie. I had a few responders that were a little bit over the top. I'm sure that is not for me. Definitely not to my liking .

I think the two realms are entirely different. I look upon blogging, as far as I am concerned, as a way to express my thoughts, my rants, my philosophies and so on. I enjoy writing and even if people never respond to my words, I don't care, because I get enjoyment out of doing it. (Pat does respond every once in awhile and I know he does read them because he told me so.) I love his blogs, and read every one of them. He is very talented , witty and creative. You can be more creative on blogs than you can on Face book or Twitter because they are geared more for one liners.

Tim, I've enjoyed your blogs from the beginning and surely hope you don't abandon them for the other two venues. I want to read all about the kids and their accomplishments. I had six kids and they all had to cut teeth, go through potty training, say amusing things, keep us up all night have accidents and so on but I still like to hear about Maureen and Rowan 's advances and about their antics and their new words and so on. It may sound maudlin but it is comforting to know that life is going on and the world keeps on turning despite all of the scientific advances and changes in other areas, both good and bad, but the babies still cry at night, still learn to crawl, take steps, learn to use words, and acquire skills that will take them where ever they want to go. They will probably not travel the same paths that I did or that you or Kristin did or that their grandparents did but nevertheless they still had to start from where we all did. Learning to sit up, take steps, say Dada, mama, go to the potty and all the other basics and give us all hope. Don't let us down, let us share in their accomplishments, keep on blogging'. (Keep the pics and the films going too.)

I wish people would do more blogging rather than less or not at all. I know it takes time but it is not a thing you HAVE to do. Maybe everyone does not enjoy writing as much as I do but some of you should try it, you may like it. Ciao

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