Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Saga of Sponge Bob Square Pants

I had heard of the cartoon character, Sponge Bob a number of years ago. I think he has been around since the 1990's, but last January when I went to Sarasota for a couple of weeks I was introduced to him in person, so to speak. Bridget is very fond of him and has a little Sponge Bob doll. He is her constant companion. He has his own little bed that she fashioned for him complete with covers but usually he slept with her in her bed. She has a little black purse that he fits in quite nicely so he can accompany her where ever she goes. Violin lessons, beach trips and so on.

The Florida State Legislature was in session in April so when Spring Break time came, Angela, Conor, Bridget and Sponge Bob went to Tallahassee to spend time with Keith and to sight see. They had a great time and all was well until they discovered that Sponge Bob had stayed in the hotel and did not make it back to Sarasota. Bridget was very distraught! Keith asked the hotel personnel if they had found Sponge Bob and they said as a matter of fact they had! Whew! Good news. However, when they went to get him for Keith they could not find him. They had lost him. They were very apologetic and they tried to make up for it by going out and buying a new one for her. Alas, it was not like the original, it was bigger and did not fill the void that he had left in Bridget's life.

He is a goofy little guy who looks like a sponge from the kitchen not a sponge from the sea but nevertheless he is a fry cook in the fictional underwater town of Bikini Bottom. I think his job is at the Krusty Krab and he has quite a few friends that work there with him. ( I stayed with the twins while Mom and Dad went to the Inauguration and we did take time out from watching the Gilligan's Island films, I think there were 100 or so films, to watch The Sponge Bob Square Pants show. ) It was a new experience for me.

Anyway, Angela, Conor and Bridget are dedicated yard sale aficionadoes, as a matter of fact they may have purchased the first SBSP at a yard sale. So Bridget suggested that they go to some yard sales and maybe they could find another one just like the original. She asked Ang to show her where to look in the paper for the advertized events , Ang did and told her they would only go to sales in their area of town. Bridget read the ads and circled all of the one's she thought they should visit. She analyzed each ad to see if they were possibilities but she was baffled by the word 'misc.' and asked for an explanaion of that word. Ang explained that it was an abbreviation of the word miscellaneous, and then of course gave her the meaning of that word.

Bridget figured if they were going to find SBS, he would probably be included in the miscellaneous category. So armed with her news paper with the circled ads, they set out on their quest.. At each site Bridget wanted to thouroughly search for him in the "misk"as she called it. She would make critical comments of the sales when they would return to the car. "They had some pretty good misk." or "their misk was not very interesting." Unfortunately, Bob did not make it to any of the yard sales.

Lots of 'misk' but no Sponge Bob. It looks like e-bay may be the next possibility. The big cyber yard sale will surely have one among the 'misk' that they can purchase. So all is not lost. I will be pleased if they find one on there. We shall see. Ciao

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