Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday Again

We are still having patient appreciation week. Today there were baskets of peanut butter crackers, individually wrapped home made cookies, and miniature boxes of raisins. There was quite a mob of people in the waiting room . Some people I had never seen before. We had a very long wait.

They finally called me in to see the doctor. My doctor is on vacation this week so I had to see his associate. They take my blood pressure, temperature, and weigh me before I chat with him.
Seems all is well. He said it looks fine, (yuck)
After the visit with the doctor I was called back for my treatment. It was almost one hour late. They have been 5 or 10 minutes late before but never this late. Karen was a little on edge because she had an appointment at 12 noon and we were getting closer and closer to that time. While I was getting my treatment she called and told them she would be late. Very stressful.

The tech was very apologetic about being so late but she explained that they had a patient that was having a really hard time with the procedure since it was his/her first time. They had to work with the person until they could work it out. I guess I wasn't so bad after all ,on my first visit. It is a traumatic event and it is wonderful that they take as much time as it takes to help the patient deal with it. They are so kind and patient and well suited for the job.

My session went off with out a hitch and I am happy to have one more over with. I have tomorrow and then Monday and Tuesday to go yet. Ciao

1 comment:

Carrie Dolwick said...

So glad it is almost over, and don't worry if mom was late for her regular date at the Casino, there is always next week.