Sunday, October 25, 2009

You Name It

Once again the computer wins! I typed the title that I was going to use for this entry and when I looked up it said, " you published successfully." Huh? Who did that?Then while I was striving to understand this action it did it again! Rats!

Anyway, this is the most beautiful time of the year! Except when the dogwoods and tulips are in bloom or when there is a fresh newly fallen white snow on the ground, roofs , trees and everything else or when summer skies turn black, grey and ominous and dump tons of water on us amid flashing lightning and thunderous thunder. It is awesome to say the least.

I went out today and each street I turned on to was a blaze of colors. Bright red, muted red, orange, yellow and green. The burning bushes are glorious, so also the maple trees and the dogwoods. I love to walk when the leaves are swirling around my ankles and crunching under foot. I went to Paul's Fruit Market and it was filled with huge and tiny pumpkins, purple and bright yellow pansys, jugs of cider, lots of apples and squash, jars of candy corn and popcorn balls, it was all so festive and fall-ish. It will soon be replaced with Christmas trees, garlands of greenery and nuts and fruits of Christmas, fruit cakes, jam cakes, cranberries and candy canes. The orange and black of today will be nudged aside by the red and green of tomorrow. Time flies.

My radiated spot on my head is still very tender and sore. It continued to get more and more painful after the cessation of the radiation but it is now showing signs of improvement. I have my Donald Trump hair do worked out for now and will await some hair growth in the near future. It will not grow back where the main treatment was aimed but the surrounding area may return. I'll be looking forward to it. Maybe by Christmas I'll have a batch of new hair. Would'nt that be loverly? Ciao

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