Friday, September 18, 2009

Better Day

I had a much better day today at the radiation center than yesterday. I tried to be analytical about why I was so close to panic yesterday and decided it was my attitude. I felt much more confident today.

They did make concessions for me. They locked the mask down until they got it lined up perfectly and then loosened the locks and went on with the treatment with a firm promise from me that I would not move. That was an easy promice to make! I did not feel trapped or whatever.

It must seem pretty silly of me to be so 'chicken' about this mask thing. I have been through so many things in the past years that are so much worse than this. I dealt with those things with comprative equanimity and survived, I'm making a vow right now that I'm through complaining about this and will carry on with complacency! OK? Ciao

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I am glad that Friday was a better day, Grandma. Hopefully, this is a sign of an easier week ahead! I think it is good that you are recording all of this in your blog. It's a great way for us to know that you are having to go through. It sounds aweful. Love, Kathy