Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Rad. Nine

Today it is cold outside as well as inside. It was only 47 degrees when I awakened today. It is only expected to be in the 60's today. Same thing predicted for tomorrow but then it is supposed to warm up again.

Confusion reigned today. I got a call from the hospital at 8:15 and they said that the machine was mal-functioning and they would have to move my appointment to 12:15. This presented a problem because Gregg was taking me today and then going to meet Brian at his house so he could do some electrical work for him. They were to meet at 12 noon because that was Brian's lunch time and he could be away from his jobs at that time. Gregg called Karen and asked her to take me today if she could and then he could trade with her for another day. It involved a lot of calls back and forth and during the final call to let me know what the decision was, another call beeped in on call-waiting and it was the hospital calling back to say they got the machine working again and I could come at the regular time! I pays to be flexible in these times!

Anyway, I arrived there on time and had to wait about 15 minutes before being called down to the treatment room. Things went very well today.It took awhile to get me set up and aligned but they finally got it set to their liking. They talked to each other about wanting to have Dr. Stoll come in to look at it one day this week. ( they did have to loosen one lock for me)

The session was not quite as long as it was yesterday but I was able to remain relatively calm and didn't experience any pain from the torturous mask. It was very cold in the room. They have a hard rubber or plastic ring that I hold while the treatment is going on. It's hard to explain but holding that ring with both hands is somehow or other soothing. I've found that the couple of times that I did not have the ring and just clasped my own hands over my mid-drift were more stressful than when I do have the ring to hang on to. Maybe when I am holding my own hands I am aware of tensing up and am passing my anxiety from one hand to the other and therefore on to the rest of my body. Whereas, when I have the ring to hold, my tenseness is blocked somehow by the ring. Sounds crazy, even to me! Maybe the rays are getting to me! Next thing you know I'll be seeing spider webs on the table! (They did say that I did a fantastic job, today.)

Tomorrow, I will be half way through! As my friend, Fanny, used to say, "You never get used to hanging." I would like to prove her wrong but so far I haven't gotten used to this. We'll see. Ciao

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