Tuesday, September 1, 2009

IFall is Coming-Leaves are Falling- the Air is growing Cool

Almost always at this time of year, people keep asking, "Where did summer go?" This year it is almost as if summer never really came. The calendar said it was time for summer but the weather never lived up to its reputation. I think we've only had one or two days where the temperature rose above 90 degrees. Not a single day in July did we have 90 degrees! Yesterday and today the early morning temperature was 50 degrees.

Linda and I were in England about ten years ago during June and it was quite chilly and of course drizzly. One of the people with us asked one of the Brits when their summer was and he faciously answered, "I think last year it was on June 20th."I think ours this year was on August 4th or 5th or thereabouts.

I know we all complain when it is 95 and 100 degrees, but when it doesn't happen we complain too. We have had torrential rains that flooded many parts of the city and wreaked havoc in some homes, destroyed cars, bussinesses, hospitals, the main Library, and many other things and we've had high winds and draught conditions and yet no heat wave. Is it global warming? El nino? What? In the West and Northwest they have had almost unbearable heat and draught. Temperatures that exceeded 100 degrees day after day while we have had our "pleasantly cool" summer. The swimming pools were almost empty or unused, this year. Back yard, in-ground pools were maintained but not always put to use. What will the months of December, January, and February be like? Will we enjoy a relatively 'warm' winter or a cold snowy blustery winter? It will be interesting to see.

I have had great LG&E bills! $67.00, $68.00 I am thankful for that. I do hope though, that the weather gets its act together and gives us what we are used to. Whine! Whine! Whine! Ciao,

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